Double Chin

Are you dealing with a double chin? Submental fullness (also known as double chin) is the excess fat that gathers under the chin.

Are you dealing with a double chin?

Submental fullness (also known as double chin) is the excess fat that gathers under the chin. This can be due to genetics, aging or weight gain. It may be something you have had your entire life, or something you recently noticed. The problem with excessive fat in this area of the body is that it can be very tough to address with diet and exercise. Thankfully, there are alternative solutions. At Abbracci Med Spa, we will work with you to design a treatment plan based on your chin profile.

Treatments at Abbracci Med Spa

We have seen wonderful results with Kybella, an injectable treatment that permanently reduces the fullness beneath the chin.* Another effective treatment is the Venus Legacy device which uses Radio Frequency, Magnetic Pulse Therapy & VeriPulse technology for skin tightening, and is often used in conjunction with Kybella to achieve the desired result.*

Request a consultation in Redondo Beach, California

People in the South Bay (and the surrounding areas) have come into Abbracci Med Spa and have received tremendous results.* If you want to reduce the excess fat under your chin, request a consultation today. We will review your aesthetic goals with you and will select the best treatment option. Request an appointment online or give us a call at (310) 375-0717 today!

Explore Treatments We Offer for Double Chin:

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(310) 375-0717